Force Field Analysis – Worksheet 23: Speedy Delivery Private Limited (SDPL)

Topics covered: Force Field Analysis.
  • Meaning.
  • Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Force field analysis diagram
Speedy Delivery Private Limited (SDPL) has been planning to launch mobile phone-based app to improve its parcel/letter delivery system. This will have both advantages and disadvantages both for SDPLand its customers. To take the final decision, the management team has analysed forces for and forces against the change.
Forces for the change Forces against the change
1.Improved delivery efficiency (5 points)
2.Better customer convenience (4 points)
3.Convenienceer loyalty (3 points) 4.Convenience for delivery staff (2 points)
1.Huge initial cost (4 points)
2.Employee training (3 points)
3.Customers concerns (3 points)
4.Employees resistance (2 points)
 Note: Points are on a scale 1 (Low) to 5 (High)


  1. Using the information given in the table 1, construct a force field analysis diagram. Calculate total points for the change and the total points against the change, and recommend the management of SDPL accordingly. [4 marks]
  2. Identify and explain two benefits of using force field analysis as a planning tool for SDPL. [4 marks]
  3. Identify and explain two limitations of using force field analysis as a planning tool for SDPL. [4 marks]
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