Gantt Chart – Worksheet 24: Build 2 Stay (B2S)

Topics covered: Gantt Chart.
  • Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Gantt Chart
Build 2 Stay (B2S) a popular real estate construction company. Build 2 Stay received   a proposal to construct a single story building for the local shop keeper. The design team of the company has identified the following activities.

Activity No. Descriptions of activities Time required
1 Ground preparation 1 weeks
2 Laying foundation 2 weeks
3 Construction of pillars 3 weeks
4 Construction of walls (can start after 1 week of the start of the activity 3 4 weeks
5 Roofing (can start only after the completion of the activity 3) 2 weeks
6 Interiors (can start as soon as 50 % of the activity 4 is completed) 3 weeks
7 Finishing and handover (can start only after the completion of the activity 6) 1 weeks


  1. Using the above information, construct a Gantt chart, and also calculate the total number of weeks needed to complete the project. [6 marks]
  2. Define the term ‘working capital’. Explain how the construction of a Gantt chart help B2S to manage its working capital. [4 marks]
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