Gantt Chart – Worksheet 25: Gantt Chart

Topics covered: Gantt Chart.
  • Meaning
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Construction of Gantt chart.
Avin, an IB Business Management student at Memory International School. He has received a task from his teacher. Avin has to prepare a Gantt chart to represent the following time line.

Month/Week /2020 Action
July: Week 1-2 Read a few sample IAs to get familiarised with the format and requirements.
July: Week 3-4 Get familiarised with assessment criteria.
Aug: Week 1-2 Selection of business organisation/s.
Aug: Week 3-4 Discuss with the teacher to frame RQ.
Sept: Week 1-2 Complete the research proposal.
Sept: Week 3-4 Complete introduction and methodology
Oct: Week 1-4 Collect primary and secondary data
Nov: Week 1-2 Complete main findings and results.
Nov: Week 3-4 Complete main findings and results.
Dec: Week 1-2 Analyse the data using business tools
Dec: Week 3 Submit the first draft for feedback.
Dec: Week 4 Incorporate the suggestions and submit the final version of the IA
Task: Using the above information, construct a Gantt chart.

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