How to prepare an income statement

Income statement of Well Fit Garments Ltd.

The following information has been taken from the books of Well Fit Garments Ltd., for the financial year ending December 2021

Sock at 1 January 2021:  $ 400

Number of garments sold:  120 units at $35 each

Purchases during the year:  60 units at $ 22 each

Closing stock valued at $ 600

Expenses:Rent $ 220, Salary $ 800,and Other overheads $ 50


a)                  Define the following terms:

                    i.            Cost of goods sold (COGS)       [2 marks]

                   ii.            Gross profit                                  [ 2 marks]

                 iii.            Net profit                                     [ 2 marks]

                 iv.            Income statement                   [ 2 marks]

b)                  Construct a profit and loss account for Well Fit Garments Ltd., for the year ended 31 December 2021.                          [ 6 marks]

c)                  Identify four stakeholders who would be interested in the profit and loss account of Well Fit Garments Ltd.                     [ 2 marks]

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