IB Business Management External Assessment

IB business management assessment consists of both internal and external assessments. External assessment consists of two written papers both for higher level and standard level. Where as  the internal assessment consists of written commentary for SL students and research project for HL students. In  this segment we are discussing external assessment( written papers)

Written papers

The external assessment of the Diploma Programme business management course consists of two examination papers at SL and at HL that are externally set and externally marked. They are designed to allow students to demonstrate their competencies in relation to the business management assessment objectives. All questions on the examination papers are based on specifications in this guide. The external components contribute 75% to the final assessment at both SL and HL.


External assessment details—SL Paper 1

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes Weighting: 30%

This paper is divided into two sections. Section A questions are based on the IB prescribed pre-seen case study issued to students three months before the examination. Section B questions are primarily based on the additional stimulus material given on the day of the examination, although students are expected to draw on the pre-seen material where relevant. Questions may be the same, similar or different for SL and HL students

External assessment details—SL Paper 2

Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes Weighting: 45%

This paper is divided into three sections. The structure of this paper is the same as HL paper 2. However, questions may be the same as, similar to, or different from, those used for the HL paper. SL students answer fewer questions

External assessment details—HL Paper 1

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes Weighting: 35%

This paper is divided into three sections. Section A questions are based on the IB prescribed pre-seen case study issued to students three months before the examination. Section B and C questions are based mainly on the additional stimulus material given on the day of the examination, although students are expected to draw on the pre-seen material where relevant. Section A and section B questions may be the same, similar or different for SL and HL students.

External assessment details—HL Paper 2

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes Weighting: 40%

This paper is divided into three sections. The structure of this paper is the same as SL paper 2. However, questions may be the same as, similar to, or different from, those used for the SL paper. HL students answer more questions


Note: Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the IBO has amended assessment pattern, duration, marks, weighting, etc., for May 2022 examination session. Please refer to the official website of IBO for further information.

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