Mission Statement & Vision Statement

Mission statement is a concise description of what a company currently does. It defines the main purpose of an organisation and the reason for its existence. A company’s mission statement is usually found in its annual report, brochures and its home page on the internet. Unlike business objectives, the mission statement does not have a distinct time frame and tends to be qualitative rather than qualitative statements. The mission statement should contain:
  • A statement of the fundamental purpose of the organisation so as to inspire those who work for it.
  • Boundaries for the organisation.
  • A statement of values/philosophy to guide individual behaviour.
Mission statement- an evaluation: Benefits
  • They quickly inform groups outside the business what the central aim and vision is.
  • They can prove motivation to employees, especially where an organisation is looked upon, perhaps as a result of its mission statement, as a caring and environmentally friendly body.
  • Mission statements include moral statements or values, so they can guide or help individual employee behavior at work.
  • Mission statements help to know what the business is about.
  • Too vague and general so that they end up saying little which is specific about the business or its future plans.
  • Based on a public relation exercise to make stakeholder groups “feel good” about the company.
Conclusions So, when you are preparing your Mission Statement remember to make it clear and succinct, incorporating socially meaningful and measurable criteria and consider approaching it from a grand scale. As you create your Mission Statement consider including some or all of the following concepts.
  • The moral/ethical position of the enterprise
  • The desired public image
  • The key strategic influence for the business
  • A description of the target market
  • A description of the products/services
  • The geographic domain
  • Expectations of growth and profitability
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