Worksheet 15: Business Sectors

Topics covered: Business sectors

• Primary sector.

• Secondary sector.

• Tertiary sector.

• Quaternary sector.

Task: Classify the following into primary, secondary and tertiary and quaternary sectors.


Business Primary/Secondary/Tertiary/Quaternary sectors
a) Legal services  
b) Oil and gas refining  
c) Fishing  
d) Real estate consultancy  
e) Education  
f) Wholesaling and retailing  
g) Oil and gas extraction  
h) Telecommunications  
i) Publishing and broadcasting  
j) Electric power generation  
k) Repairs and maintenance  
l) Building construction  
m)Health car  
n) Food processing  
o) Tax consultation  
p) Banking and insurance  
q) Mining  
r) Research and development  
s) Information technology  
t) Patent and copyrights service  

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