Worksheet 19: Tasty n Sweety

Topics covered: Fishbone Diagram

• Meaning

• Advantages and disadvantages

• Fishbone diagram

Context: The sales revenue of Tasty n Sweety has been declining by 16 % over the last 2 years. The owner of Tasty n Sweety has requested a business consultant for finding the reasons. The consulting firm has submitted the following reasons for poor sales performance.


Product Price Promotion
• Less variety
• Food taste needs to improve.
• No fast food
• Traditional food only
• No value for
• Some items are too pricy
• No paid promotion
• No discount
for regular customers.
Place Physical ambience Process
• Located away from the bus station.
• Limited parking space • Visible to only the known customers.
•Outdated ambience.
•Worn-out tables and chairs.
• Shabby entrance.
• Poor ventilation
• Long waiting period.
• No digital and card payment


a) From the given information draw a fishbone diagram [8 marks]

b) To what extent can fishbone diagram help Tasty n Sweety to make business decision (advantages, disadvantages and conclusion/s) [10 marks]

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