Worksheet 8: SWOT analysis – Classification

Task: Classify the following into Strength ( S), Weakness(W), Opportunity ( O) and Threat(T)


a) Poor design and limited innovation.

b) Increased scope in the educational market (school and university)

c) Poor cashflow and liquidity problem.

d) Geographically well located.

e) Good corporate image and reputation.

f) Limited product range.

g) Employees’ resistance to new technology.

h) Quality certificate by the International Organisation for Quality.

i) Government policies are in favour of job creation.

j) The government’s recent budget allocated a huge fund for educational programmes.

k) Highly skilled and motivated employees.

l) Economic downturn(recession)

m) The government has slashed income tax rates.

Note: The above statements may not belong to a single business.

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