10 Lessons from the book Ikigai

Do you want to live a long life? How about a happy one? What if you could have both? The secret to a long life actually comes from finding joy and purpose every day. Most of us think of these ideals as mere dreams that only a select few achieve.

The people of Japan, however, have practiced ikigai, their “reason to live,” for centuries. It helps them live longer, more joyful lives.

Here are the 10 rules for long and happy life!

Rule 1: Stay active, don’t retire.

People who give up things they love will lose their purpose in life. It is important to keep doing things of value, making progress, bringing beauty to others, helping out and shaping the world around you. Even if your official professional life is over, stay active and don’t retire. Doing little things always make you happy.

Rule 2: Take it slow.

As it is said that walk slowly and you will go far. Being in a hurry is inversely proportional to quality of life and deeds. We should always take the time to enjoy what we do and let it unfold naturally, not in a hurry or pushing it too hard.

Rule 3: Do not fill your stomach

According to 80 percent rule, in order to stay long, healthy, and happy, we should eat little less than our stomach demands. Less is more when it comes to eating for long life.

Rule 4: Always have good friends

In order to live a happy and healthy life, it is important to have good friends as a support network. They can provide advice and encouragement, as well as keep you company when you need it most. However, not all friendships are the same. It’s important to find people who share similar goals and interests with you in order to create a tight-knit group of friends that will last a lifetime.

Rule 5: Exercise regularly

There is a lot of evidence to show that people who exercise on a regular basis are healthier and live longer. Not only does exercising release endorphins which make you feel good, but it also helps to maintain muscle mass and bone density, lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Rule 6: Keep smiling

Smiling also has the power to make others smile. A smile is contagious, so always remember to keep smiling because it will help you stay cheerful all the time. A cheerful attitude is not only relaxing, it also helps make friends.

Rule 7: Reconnect with nature

The benefits of reconnecting with nature are abundant. It can help boost your creativity, improve your focus, boost your mood, and build self-esteem. There are many ways to reconnect with nature including taking a walk in the park or at the beach, reading a book outside under a tree, or spending time in the garden.

Rule 8: Give thanks

Starting with our families and friends, and also extending to the grocery store employees who allowed us to purchase all of this food. The farmers who made these crops grow, and the gas station cashier allowing us to fill up our cars. Spend a moment everyday giving thanks to everyone and everything that brightens your days.

Rule 9: Stop regretting the past and fearing the future

We all have goals and aspirations. But, we get so caught up in the past and future that we don’t take advantage of what is right in front of us. We can all learn from our mistakes and fears, but we should also live in the moment.

Rule 10 : Follow your ikigai for a happy life

What is your ikigai? Your ikigai is your life’s purpose. It’s what makes you come alive. And when you do what matters most to you, you’ll be more energized and focused – and the world will be a better place because of it.

So, follow these 10 rules in everyday life. Your ikigai doesn’t have to be connected to your job. Your purpose may come from a hobby or your family relationships. Do whatever you find gets you up in the morning, just make sure that you never give it up.



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