5 Leadership Lessons from Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi has a unique style of giving his leadership speech. He has won hearts not just in India but around the globe as well. Nobody can deny the fact that there is so much to learn from him

Such leadership lessons and qualities are precious, relatable and useful for people like you who want to do something big in their life.

So  in this article I am going to share 5 Leadership Lessons from Narendra Modi that you should adopt to become a successful and potential leader in your life.

  1. Develop the Art of Communication

Understand your audience and according develop your Art of Communication. If you have seen any of Narendra Modi’s speeches or conversations it is hard to ignore how well he is versed with his communication.

He is very much effective and strong in communication which helps to motivate people of his country. He knows how, what and when to say. Due to this, it has made him highly popular among masses in India as well as other global leaders.

So being a leader communication skill is very important and crucial arsenals in your bag. You need to work on it and spread charisma on it. Be it public speaking or one to one communication you have to be better each day like Narendra Modi and become a successful leader

  1. Lead by Example

Narendra Modi has worked for the people on the ground. No matter how much naysayers kept on pulling his leg or spreading rumors, he didn’t pay any heed. Rather, he kept moving forward with his vision for the entire nation.

During his 5 year tenure as the Prime Minister of India from 2014 to 2019, he was available 24*7 and didn’t even take a single leave or holiday. Be it providing basic sanitation facilities, electricity to villages, and many more

As a leader, the qualities and virtues that you want your people to teach, first, portray them in your behavior. The discipline you want your people to follow, show it in your routine, first.

A human being learns more by observation rather than written or verbal instructions. Become an example for your people by demonstrating the leadership qualities and you’ll see the results.

  1. Don’t be Afraid of Decision Making

Decision making is an essential part of any leadership position. Even in your personal life, at every point in your life, you have to make decisions which shape your life.

Narendra Modi has shown a decisive attitude. He never cares about whether his decision will be right or wrong, will be appreciated or not. He decides with the right intent in favor of his nation and follows his heart.

Be it organizational leadership or personal leadership, lead from the front, be bold in making decisions, no matter if it goes right or wrong, if your heart says it is for the larger good, go ahead and make it happen.

  1. Focus on Servant Leadership

Narendra Modi has always called him a ‘Pradhan Sevak’ (Prime Servant) instead of ‘Pradhan Mantri’ (Prime Minister). Not just Servant, he called himself as Security Guard of India (Chowkidar).

Gone are the days when a leadership position was considered as the position of authority and power. Now, if you think that being in a leadership role is an advantage to enjoy all the privileges, then you might be thinking in the wrong direction.

Consider yourself as a leader to serve. Come up with a vision and let people join you rather than follow you. Don’t look at people as just numbers on your dashboard, look at them as other human beings just like you with feelings, emotions, and aspirations.

Care for them and invest in them so that they can emerge as new leaders in their areas of expertise. Servant leadership is all about putting your people before yourself.

  1. Stay Away from Mudslinging

When you are in position of leadership, there will be people who would talk about you for various reasons. It is highly tempting to respond back with the same level of intensity. But many great leaders don’t do it.

They might respond in a very subtle way at an appropriate time but they never get into a never-ending mudslinging war of words.

In the case of Narendra Modi, the opposition leaders kept on talking so many bad things about him during his tenure as Prime Minister. But he never reacted to any of those personal attacks. He responded with the quality of his work and ethics.

This is something people like you and I must learn. Because getting into such petty arguments and war of words does no good to anybody. Instead it takes you down and moves you away from the path to success. So you just have to focus on your goals and work for them.


Leadership is an art, and Narendra Modi is one of the most effective leaders in this era. As the Prime Minister of India, he has shown us how to lead by example, what it means to be compassionate and kind, and how to work hard for the betterment of the country. With his vision for a New India in 2022, Narendra Modi has set a milestone for leaders to come.

Leadership is an art form that demands a unique mix of qualities from its practitioners. These include empathy towards others, a strong sense of justice coupled with a commitment to fairness, being non-judgmental when faced with tough decisions and being able to reassess one’s own actions in light of changing circumstances.

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