5 Life Changing Leadership Lessons from Bill Gates

People learn most by adopting the behavior of others around them. Instead of reading about the concepts of leadership we can look for a role-model who changed the way we use the information for work and learning, built the most successful computer company in the world to become one of the richest men on the earth.

1. Take Big Risks

When Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to pursue his strong and wild business idea, he was at a risk and was gambling with this future. He took a massive risk but he made it through patience, determination, careful planning and most important perseverance.

Not everyone dares to take big risks in their life, but there is a very small and thin line where you are and where you want to be and this makes you courageous. There is always a leaping side to be made and sometimes you just have to push your doubts to the side and jump in the pool called as “risk”.

2. Failure doesn’t mean you won’t Succeed

You don’t revolutionize the IT world and become one of the wealthiest people in the world without failing countless times along the way

When Bill Gates was 15 year old he and his friend Paul Allen started their first business with a program that tracked traffic in Seattle. The first program run by him and his friend was a complete disaster, but it never stopped him from pushing

Few years later, he innovated Microsoft with his software skills and soon Microsoft became one of the most popular and growing companies in the world

Here’s a famous quote which everybody knows “I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

This lesson teaches us to believe in yourself and it is okay to fail multiple times rather than not attempting it. So stop comparing your life and accept the fact that failure is the first step towards success

3. Give as Much as You Take

Bill gates have widely discovered the fact that you can have as much, if not more, happiness in giving as you do in taking. He donated 99% of his saving by deciding to spend all his savings in worthwhile causes like fighting AIDS in Africa, helping libraries in U.S.

Leaders like him make us to give our time, effort and wealth to tend and more balanced life. When you hear Bill Gates talking these days, you will hear positive vibes and vision for raising the health and education standards of poor people around the world.

The idea behind spending his entire wealth to cure the people makes him one of the best leaders in the world. His leadership role does not mean success to himself alone or his team members, but he’s working hard that other’s grow too. That’s a lesson worth learning for us.

4. Value your Time

Bill Gates values his time more than his money. There is one famous quote of Bill Gates as he always says that “No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy more time”. This implies that Gates values every minute of his time and prioritizes his daily-routine activities to ensure a good influence in the utmost importance.

Irrespective of how much success he has recorded his value for time remained the same. He still believes in proper planning and leadership commitment knowing he has the same number of hours with everyone.

Valuing time is much essential part of our lives as we seek into the modern world. Therefore this lesson teaches us how we should properly manage our time and put our best to maximize our result.

5. Determine a Goal and Never Stop

Bill Gates in his commencement speech at Harvard in 2007 told the graduating class that you should determine a goal, find the highest-leverage approach, discover the ideal technology for that approach, and in the meantime, make the smartest application of the technology that you already have.

Focusing on what you want and working towards it is the only way to reach your goals. No matter if it’s a new company, you will only be successful by putting your heart and soul towards your work and never looking back..

If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs. So start working on your goals and never let the passion and determination fail inside you.


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