8 Effective Exam Revision Strategies

When deciding on a revision strategy, it is useful to think about the most effective strategies

you learn. Recognizing how you learn means you can revise more efficiently and therefore save yourself time.

So to revise it more efficiently by saving your precious time, today we are discussing 8 Effective Revision Strategies that will help you to revise and plan thoroughly without any hassle.

Revision Strategy 1. Create a Revision Time Table.

The first and foremost strategy you should use is creating a revision time table to give you a clear idea about the study structure.

Creating a revision timetable will help you structure your study time, so you can juggle revision alongside things such as essay writing and socializing.

There are 4 things required to create a perfect Revision Time Table

1. Create Revision Time Slots.

2. Classify your Subjects.

3. Allocate your Subjects to the Revision Slots.

4. Revise to Answer Questions.

Revision Strategy 2. Breakdown the Material.

Many students like you feel overwhelmed before revising and start thinking the amount of content they are supposed to absorb. Well, you can make this task into an easier task just by simply breaking down your study material into small, and manageable chunks.

According to the research, studying in chunks can help you to give the best shot at revision.

Therefore, plan short study sessions and revise your study material in short chunks.

Revision Strategy 3. Summarize what you learn.

You can strengthen your learning and confidence by speaking out loud as if you are explaining the topic to someone else. It is a perfect trick to check what you have learned and identify the problem areas.

If you can explain the entire topic in a simply and understandably way, it means you have mastered it.

Revision Strategy 4. Find the Perfect Learning Style.

There are several revision techniques, such as flashcards, past papers, mind maps, group study, and a lot more. It is always a good idea to try all of these learning techniques to find what works best for you.

So, start early and take some time to find the best learning style that helps you absorb maximum amount of information.

Revision Strategy 5. Use a Digital Voice Recorder.

Using a Digital Voice Recorder or a mobile phone is the best for all type of students and it is the most simple and effective strategy to remember and learn from it

The idea of doing this is that you would record yourself on your mobile phone or a digital voice recorder by reading your revision notes from the study material.

Revision Strategy 6. Get Visual to Condense Your Learning.

There are many visuals you can opt for but one of the best visuals is by learning through You tube Videos

These videos are great source for your revision. With YouTube videos, you can watch them whenever you like, entirely for free! Plus, there are some great channels out there to help  you revise.

7. Create Podcasts.

The great thing about podcasts is that they might not explicitly be on the subject you’re revising. But if you’re up for something a little more alternative and challenging, why not  create your own podcast on a subject you are studying?

The fact that you’ll be writing all the information in your script, reading it over (again and again) and recording and editing the podcast, means that the information will undoubtedly be going in and it will be the most appropriate way to revise your subjects or any other materials.

8. Use Memory Aids

Use memory aids such as flash cards to help you remember facts. Flash cards are particularly useful when you need to learn large amounts of similar pieces of information, such as  vocabulary or formulae.

There are many apps that will help you to create online flashcards from various study styles, whether that’s self-test or having the question and answer read out aloud.

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